Nature Assistant Program

Are you passionate about nature? Do you like facilitating activities and working with children? Are you looking for a volunteer program this summer? Become a nature assistant!
Become a nature assistant if you love nature, facilitating activities and working with children.
66 nature assistants
received a certificate for volunteering at our camps in 2023.

What is the GUEPE Nature Assistant Program?

Have fun with us in nature, while helping to maintain a safe and recreational environment! Your role will be to support the nature educator in facilitating fun and educational activities, as well as in managing a group of children. GUEPE will provide you with training in facilitation of activities, a team outfit, and a certificate for the number of hours you will have completed. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in group facilitation, as well as to learn more about nature and enjoy a privileged access to the flora and fauna!

Live a team adventure this summer!

Enjoy a privileged access to the flora and fauna.

It’s an excellent opportunity to gain experience in group facilitation.

Your rôle is to support the nature educator during fun and educational activities.

Nothing better than fresh air in nature!

Our summer day camps are held in two nature parks in the city: Bois-de-Liesse and Pointe-aux-Prairies, biodiversity-rich and vast natural environments! Pileated woodpeckers, owls, otters... This is an opportunity to make unique observations in the summer and to live a unique learning and immersion experience in nature not too far from home! You can also help out at our spring break camp and enjoy the winter with us.

Ils ont aimé et ils le disent

Parent de campeur

«Merci pour les deux semaines. Les enfants ont adoré. Vous êtes très sympathiques et aimez partager vos connaissances. Les enfants aimeraient venir l'année prochaine, mais nous ne serons peut-être plus à Montréal, donc moins facile.»

Parent de campeur

«Merci beaucoup !!!! Les enfants ont appris tout plein de choses intéressantes et ils en sont très fiers.»

Parent de campeur

«Bel environnement, beaux apprentissages qui changent des autres camps.»

Parent de campeur

«Liam a adoré le camp. Il s’est amusé et il a beaucoup appris. Il n’a plus peur des insectes.»

Parent de campeur

«Bel environnement, beaux apprentissages qui changent des autres camps.»

Parent de campeur

«Un  camp  de  jour  bien  organisé  qui  offre  une  expérience d'apprentissage  ludique  et unique au sein de la nature!»

Parent de campeur

«Je  suis  très  heureuse,  car  ma  fille  a  adoré ces  2  semaines  à  votre  camp!  Elle  était toujours super enthousiaste à la fin de sa journée et elle a fait plein de belles activités! Elle m'a raconté comment Pierrot était très souriant et amusant. Bravo à toute l'équipe.»

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Téléchargez nos brochures

Guide pour les parents du Bois

Vous avez inscrit votre enfant au camp du parc-nature du Bois-de-Liesse?

Téléchargez notre guide pour les parents.

Guide pour les parents de la Pointe-aux-Prairies

Vous avez inscrit votre enfant au camp du parc-nature de la Pointe-aux-Prairies?

Téléchargez notre guide pour les parents.

Foire aux questions

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The Experience of a Lifetime!

What could be greater than facilitating groups of children? Inventing, playing, entertaining, making dreams come true... These are the tasks that fill the daily life of a nature assistant. By joining the program, you will find your voice and develop your talents as a facilitator, you will learn to manage a group of children and you will even learn more about Quebec's nature! You will not only leave with memories to last a lifetime, but also with experience for future jobs and a better understanding of yourself!

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