Guided Outdoor Activities

Discover nature’s hidden treasures by taking part in an outdoor activity guided by a nature educator, who will tell you all about the surrounding flora and fauna!
Discover our outdoor activities guided by a nature educator!
46 guided outdoor activities
in Montréal nature parks in 2023.

What Are Guided Outdoor Activities?

Have you ever wondered, during a walk in the forest, what kind of animal made a hole in the tree, what kind of flower was growing next to the trail or if the body of water you saw was a marsh or a pond? During guided outdoor activities, our nature educators are there to answer these questions and more!

Guided outdoor activities are an opportunity to get out, move around and discover local wildlife in the field - live - with our nature educators! Combine fun, sports and learning in activities such as guided hikes or snowshoe outings, introductions to fishing and guided kayak excursions! You will have fun even if you are a beginner.

GUEPE organizes many outdoor natural heritage interpretation activities throughout the year in various parks in the greater Montréal area, in Charlevoix and in the Eastern Townships. Join us to get some fresh air while learning to appreciate the region's natural sites from a whole new perspective!

Our introduction to fishing activities!

Discover waterways by canoe or kayak!

Our evening activities to understand nature in a new way!

Guided walks for the whole family.

GUEPE : your nature interpreter!

GUEPE offers guided outdoor activities, such as guided hikes, in many parks, such as those near you, all year round!

Join us in the Montréal metropolitan area, Charlevoix and the Eastern Townships to discover the biodiversity and the unknown species of the regions’ great green spaces.

Rabaska Excursion

Take a seat in the GUEPE rabaska with family or friends and explore the local riverbanks!

Kayaking at Sunrise

Paddle under the first rays of sunshine to feel like you have woken up with the different species populating the banks!

Kayaking at Sunset

Navigate under the last rays of sunshine and discover the mysteries of the riverbanks as the day draws to a close!

The Fishing Tour

Learn more about fish and try fishing with our nature educators! A discovery kiosk and a fishing rod are waiting for you!

Guided Walks in Montreal Nature Parks

Explore the nature park on a guided walk with an nature educator!


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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.


The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and content.

The Regions Where We Are Present

To discover all our outdoor guided activities in each of the regions where we are present, click on the thumbnails or visit our calendar.

Ils ont aimé et ils le disent

Participant.e à la sortie Kayak au lever du soleil

« Service impeccable! »

Participant.e à la sortie Kayak au lever du soleil

« Très belle sortie en kayak au lever du soleil! La naturaliste était intéressante dans ses propos et elle a su bien capter notre attention. En prime, la température était excellente! »

Vous avez participé à une de nos activités guidée en plein air? Répondez à notre sondage car nous voulons connaître votre opinion.

Téléchargez nos brochures

Guide pour les parents du Bois

Vous avez inscrit votre enfant au camp du parc-nature du Bois-de-Liesse?

Téléchargez notre guide pour les parents.

Guide pour les parents de la Pointe-aux-Prairies

Vous avez inscrit votre enfant au camp du parc-nature de la Pointe-aux-Prairies?

Téléchargez notre guide pour les parents.

More Than Guided Outdoor Activities!

Want to learn more about the natural world?
Join our nature educators to discuss wildlife during our interpretive activities! Discover our fascinating natural objects at thematic kiosks, discuss the biodiversity of the area during informal talks and observe local wildlife, such as whales in Charlevoix!

Would you rather continue to get some fresh air with outdoor sports? Rent skis, snowshoes, bicycles, kayaks or paddle boards!

These educational tools are only available in French at the moment.
Thank you for your understanding.
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